Italian Class Registration Name * Voornaam Achternaam Email Address * Select Italian Class * Italian A1- (A0 to A1-) | Thursday 1900-2100hrs | 25th January to 29th February (2024) Italian A1 (A1- to A1) | to be announced (2024) Italian A2- (A1 to A2-) | | to be announced (2024) Italian A2 (A2- to A2) | | to be announced (2024) Italian B1- (A2 to B1-) | | to be announced (2024) Italian B1 (B1- to B1) | | to be announced (2024) Italian B2- (B1 to B2-) | | to be announced (2024) Italian B2 (B2- to B2) | | to be announced(2024) Questions, Requests, Additional Information, etc. Thank you for your registration. You will receive an email with further information within the next few days. In this email, you will find the invoice (with IBAN number and payment instructions). Please email any further questions or concerns to